Monday, November 18, 2013

The UVU Library May Cause a Chemical Reaction

This month sees the 520th birthday of legendary doctor and early scientist, Paracelsus. Because Paracelsus was a Renaissance man in the more outre sciences, we wanted to highlight not just our history of science and chemistry collections but also our books about alchemy.

Applied Science and Technology Full Text

We've highlighted this database before, but this is such a useful source of practical information for technology and physical sciences. We also selected it because, like the alchemists, it supports experimentation and unconventional problem-solving.

Book Display

Every week, one of the librarians creates a display of books around a theme. This week, the display features books about the history of chemistry and alchemy. Some of the books on alchemy contain reproductions of the work of the medieval alchemists. Feel free to check out any of these books.

Chemistry Collection

Our collection of books doesn't just include the latest on molecular, organic and inorganic, quantum, and analytical chemistry. You can also find interesting (and highly entertaining) books about the history of chemistry from the ancient Greeks, through the alchemists, to the Scientific Revolution.


  1. is this still going on all of november? or was it just for the week of monday the 18th? because uvu announcements told me about this ten days late

  2. For some reason, there's always a delay on UVAnnounce. I write the blog posts the week we do the displays and highlight our various sources. This apparently isn't enough lead time for UVAnnounce. My apologies.
