Monday, April 28, 2014

The UVU Library Rides into the Sunset

Twenty-five years ago this week, spaghetti western director Sergio Leone passed away. We're celebrating his legacy with a great display.

You can find even more videos on the second floor of the Library. We have thousands of DVDs just waiting to be checked out—just make sure you return them on time. If you have some Library fines, you can pay them off this month by donating food or by participating in the First Book program. For more on First Book, inquire at the UVU Bookstore.

Good luck, everyone, and good-bye until next semester!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Take a Picture with the UVU Library

Thirty years ago this week, America lost one of its most iconic photographers. Ansel Adams' work is instantly recognizable and his influence can be seen everywhere. This week, the Library will be celebrating Adams' legacy in our displays.

Art Full Text 

Art Full Text is the best place to learn more about the meaning behind works of art in all media. Most articles can be read directly from the database.

Photography Books 

Our books about photography and many of our books about photographers can be found in section TR. More books can be found in the art section, section N.

Media Equipment Checkout

If you feel inspired by our displays and books, check out a camera from the first floor Circulation Desk and create your own works of art.

Monday, April 14, 2014

The UVU Library Gets Poetic

The National Poetry Month festivities at the UVU Library continue this week. Earlier in the month, we welcomed UVU professors Alex Caldiero, Rick McDonald, Rob Carney, Steve Hall, and several students to read at our Poetry Matters event. You can watch on our YouTube Channel.

This week, we're putting our poetry resources on display.


Poetry and books about poets can be found in section P on the fourth floor. Literature is organized by the author's nationality, then chronologically—so there is no one poetry section, as such. British, Canadian, Indian, American, French, Spanish, Latin (Roman) and Greek, Portuguese, Russian, and German writers all have their own sections. Within each section, you'll find writers arranged from the earliest times (usually the medieval period) to the present.

Project Muse

Project Muse is a great resource for contemporary literature research. It offers one of the best means of keeping tabs on the current poetry scene.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Deaf Studies at the UVU Library

Utah Valley University is hosting the sixth Biennial Deaf Studies Conference April 10-12, making this a great week to highlight our deaf studies collections and demonstrate how our new streaming resources can be used by the hearing impaired.

Deaf Studies Books

Section HV is packed with amazing books about society. It also contains many of our books about deaf education, deaf culture, and more. This section also includes books on American Sign Language and books for interpreters. (You can also find videos on learning sign in section HV of our media collection, on the second floor.)

Deaf Studies Research Guides

This guide contains a list of useful reference books, recommended databases, and vetted websites that can get you started on any research project pertaining to deafness and deaf society. Deaf studies is a broad area for research, so we also recommend stopping by the Library to talk to a librarian or contacting us online. We can help you narrow down your topic and save you some time.

Films on Demand...with transcripts!

We're very proud of our newest acquisition, Films on Demand. This streaming video package not only helps us bring you the latest in documentaries and educational videos, it also contains a lot of helpful features. One of these is that many of the films in the collection has a complete English language transcription. The transcription is searchable and portions of the text will highlight as the video progresses. To find the transcript, just look to the right of the video and click the Transcript tab. If no transcript tab is available, there is a list of segments (video portions) with summaries of the content.