Utah Valley University is hosting the sixth Biennial Deaf Studies Conference April 10-12, making this a great week to highlight our deaf studies collections and demonstrate how our new streaming resources can be used by the hearing impaired.
Deaf Studies Books
Section HV is packed with amazing books about society. It also contains many of our books about deaf education, deaf culture, and more. This section also includes books on American Sign Language and books for interpreters. (You can also find videos on learning sign in section HV of our media collection, on the second floor.)
Deaf Studies Research Guides
This guide contains a list of useful reference books, recommended databases, and vetted websites that can get you started on any research project pertaining to deafness and deaf society. Deaf studies is a broad area for research, so we also recommend stopping by the Library to talk to a librarian or contacting us online. We can help you narrow down your topic and save you some time.
Films on Demand...with transcripts!
We're very proud of our newest acquisition, Films on Demand. This streaming video package not only helps us bring you the latest in documentaries and educational videos, it also contains a lot of helpful features. One of these is that many of the films in the collection has a complete English language transcription. The transcription is searchable and portions of the text will highlight as the video progresses. To find the transcript, just look to the right of the video and click the Transcript tab. If no transcript tab is available, there is a list of segments (video portions) with summaries of the content.
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