Monday, January 28, 2013

Scheduling a Room

By Annie Smith, Reference/Instruction Librarian

One of the Library's study rooms
There are two options for faculty to schedule rooms. Faculty may schedule rooms for themselves via our online calendar. To schedule a study room, visit our study room page. To schedule a library classroom, visit the Library's instruction page. Both pages include information about what's available in the various rooms, and the rules and regulations for scheduling. Faculty may also contact a librarian to schedule a room for them. This second option is available for scheduling study rooms weeks in advance for faculty-student appointments.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


By Annie Smith, Reference/Instruction Librarian

Last fall, the Library introduced a brand new way to search its collections. OneSearch allows you to search across many of our databases and the Library's catalog to locate books, articles, videos, CDs, music scores, maps, and archival materials. We've added OneSearch on the Library's homepage, in the upper right corner. The subject specific databases and the Library's catalog can still be used separately; to access them, click on their tabs next to the OneSearch tab.

We've found, since we adopted OneSearch, that certain parts of the research process have gotten easier. First, you no longer have to search multiple databases in order to research interdisciplinary topics. Second, full text copies of articles are much more accessible in that you no longer have to use Journals by Title in order to track down those copies; the links are often directly available in OneSearch.

Because OneSearch can do so much, it can be a little overwhelming when a simple search returns thousands, or even millions, of items. We've put together a pair of tutorials that can help you use OneSearch more efficiently. The tutorials, which cover narrowing and expanding your search, can be found here, on our tutorials page.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Librarians Are Here to Help

Faculty often call upon the librarians to teach introductory or advanced workshops on research for their students, but did you know that there are other ways that librarians can help?

Librarians can:

  • Order books and videos for the collection in your subject areas. (Suggest a Book or contact your subject librarian)
  • Help you design meaningful research assignments for your students.
  • Assist you with your own research.
  • Have books, videos, or other materials delivered to your office.
  • Create research guides for your classes that will guide students to the best resources.
  • Archive documents and other materials for posterity.
  • Answer questions about electronic reserve, interlibrary loan, and other library services.
As we often emphasize in our workshops, librarians love questions. So, please, ask us anything. We're happy to help!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome back!

Welcome back, UVU faculty! As we kick off a new semester, please remember that the Library is here to help. We'd love to help your students by creating custom research guides, helping to design library assignments, and by teaching the basics of library research. If you have materials you'd like to place on reserve--documents, books, videos, etc.--we can help with that, too. 

This spring, we are also running our award winning LibraryCraft, an online game designed to introduce your students to the Library's website. For more information, please contact Annie Smith at x8752 or