Monday, June 24, 2013

The UVU Library Gets Its Bard On

Chandos' portrait of
William Shakespeare
Four hundred years ago this week, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre burnt down for the second time. The rebuilt version was eventually closed down by Oliver Cromwell's Puritan government. A new version was built and opened in 1997. All these theater anniversaries got us thinking about our theater research resources. Here's a quick run down of what we have on offer:

International Index to the Performing Arts

This database offers past and present research on acting, dramaturgy, stage and costume design, theater history, and much more.

Play Performances on DVD

The Library's media collection contains multiple productions of Shakespeare's plays, as well as performances of plays by hundreds of other playwrights. Videos may be checked out for three days. Students and faculty are limited to checking out five videos at a time.

Theater Research Guide

This guide lists useful reference books, article databases, and high quality websites for research on both performance and play explication (criticism). It includes a very handy database called Inter-Play that helps find plays in anthologies.

William Shakespeare Research Guide

Much like the theater research guide, the guide for Shakespeare criticism includes reference books, article databases, and vetted websites. It focuses on understanding and writing about Shakespeare's work rather than on performance.

If you have questions about researching theater or the performing arts, please ask our subject librarian, Kim Rollins. You can also ask at the Reference Desk at (801) 863-8840.

Monday, June 17, 2013

The UVU Library shows some pride

The Stonewall Riots, a seminal event in American LGBT history, began after a police raid on the Stonewall Inn in June 1969. Almost immediately after the riots, gay and lesbian groups began to organize and fight for gay rights. One year to the day after the police raid, the first Gay Pride Parade was held in cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

June was designated LGBT History Month in commemoration of the riots. Because of focus of LGBT history on social change, our list of helpful sources this week will focus on activism, social justice, and the challenges LGBT individuals face in American society.

American National Biography

Created by Oxford University Press, this online reference book includes detailed history about American politicians, entertainers, veterans, writers, lawyers, artists, journalists, and many more.

CQ's Politics in America

Congressional Quarterly Press is one of the most respected names in publishing when it comes to books about American politics. This online reference book contains background information on important issues in American politics and society. It focuses on legislation and congressional debate.

Encyclopedia of Social Justice and Activism

Created by Sage Publications, a major academic publisher, the Encyclopedia of Social Justice and Activism is a great book to learn about the issues that are (and have been) debated in American society including adoption, gay marriage, and many more.

LGBT Books in the Library's Collection

This link takes you to more than 200 books in the Library's collection that discuss homosexuality and related topics. Books may be checked out for three weeks. There is no limit on the number of books that may be checked out at a time.

Sociology and Social Work Research Guide

This research guide contains reference books, recommended databases, and vetted websites that can help you get started on any topic in sociology and social work.

If you have any questions about research or using library resources, please ask us at the Reference Desk (801-863-8840). For more in depth questions about social sciences research, contact our sociology subject librarian, Jacques d'Emal.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Space is not the final frontier at the UVU Library

Valentina Tereshkova,
the first woman in space
This week marks a lot of anniversaries in space travel. On June 16 1963, Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. Ten years ago, NASA launched the Mars Spirit Rover. And 30 years ago, Pioneer 10 became the first human-made object to leave the solar system.

In light of these achievements, we're looking at our own science and engineering resources here in the Library.

Applied Science and Technology 

This database contains years of articles in physics, engineering, computing, and other applied sciences as well as the most up to date research.   

Aviation Collection (Airport Campus)

Located at the Provo Airport, our aviation collection not only contains books about aviation and emergency services, but also videos showing you to the proper techniques for taking to the skies.

Aviation Research Guide

Get started on your aviation research with our specially designed research guide. This guide lists useful reference books, databases, and authoritative websites.

Astronomy Research Guide

This guide doesn't just point out what's up there. It also helps you find the best research about astronomical physics, space travel, and much more.

Physics Research Guide

Our physics guide can show you the path to learning how the big things (galaxies) and the very small things (quarks) work.

If you have any questions, please contact the Library's Reference Desk at (801) 863-8840. You can also contact us via chat and text. Visit our help page to find out how.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Helen Keller and Deaf Education

Helen Keller
This week, the UVU Library is looking at the life and legacy of Helen Keller in our book display. Inspired by her determination to earn a college degree, we'd like to share some of the resources we have that can help deaf and hearing impaired students with their research. We'd also like to share some resources that can help students research deaf education.

American Sign Language Books

The Library has a growing collection of books about American Sign Language on the fourth floor. They can be found beginning at call number HV 2474. Any book from the fourth floor can be checkd out for three weeks.

Deaf Studies Research Guide

This research guide lists reference books, databases, and vetted websites that cover the challenges that deaf and hearing impaired persons face in a hearing society. The reference books, found on the first floor of the Library, can give researches important background information. The databases can be used to search for the latest research on this subject. The websites contain important national associations and groups and much more.


ERIC, our largest education research database, contains millions of articles and reports about all topics in education. It can be used to find up-to-date research on best practices for deaf education, educational psychology for deaf and hearing impaired students, and more.

UbiDuo Machines

UbiDuo machines are short range devices that can facilitate communication between deaf visitors to the Library and our staff. We use these machines to chat with each other. 

For more help with researching deaf education, contact our education librarian, Lesli Baker, at (801) 863-8286 or call the Reference Desk at (801) 863-8840.