With finals looming over all of us, it's easy to let stress take over. So this week we're featuring books and other resources that can help you cope with stress, recognize the risk factors, and deal with the effects.
Books about Stress
Books about stress can be found in a couple different places in the Library, depending on their focus. Some will discuss the risk factors for stress and suggest strategies for reducing the problem before it even starts. Other books will show the long term effects of stress on the mind and body. Still other books will cover how psychologists and health professionals treat severe stress.
Our book collection includes both print and digital titles. Digital titles can be downloaded for a brief time or browsed online.
This database contains the entire American Psychological Association journal archive, all the way back to the very first issues of their journals. Because it is hosted by EBSCO, PsycARTICLES includes all of the search tools you're familiar with and uses the same search tricks you may have learned in your library workshop.
If you have any questions about the Library or research, don't hesitate to ask us--even if you think your question is silly. One important way to avoid stress is to start your research early and ask questions before you get frustrated and/or run up against your deadlines. Visit us at the Reference Desk or call us at (801) 863-8840.
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