Monday, July 8, 2013

The UVU Library Unlocks the Mysteries of the Mind

Dr. Sacks was born July 9, 1933.
Because this week is eminent psychologist and scientist Oliver Sacks' birthday, we're highlighting our psychology resources. The Library collects books (print and online) on cognition, neuroscience, psychotherapy, mental illness, and many more topics. We also provide access to a Triple Crown of psychology databases, which provide access to a wide swatch of current and historic psychology articles.

Psychological research is an incredibly diverse area, so if you have questions about your psychology research, contact our psychology librarian, Jacques d'Emal, or call the Reference Desk at (801) 863-8840.

Online Psychology Reference Books

Our online reference books can be found on our Electronic Dictionaries and Encyclopedia page. To access the ones specific to psychology, click on the Psychology and Sociology link. These books are available off campus using your UVID and UVLink password and offer superior access to definitions, topic overviews, and much more.


This database contains the complete archive of 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association, all the way back to volume one, in full text. In addition to being able to read every article in this database, PsycARTICLES' search interface allows for highly specific searching. You can limit to subject age groups, methodology, and more.

Psychology Research Guide

If you're not sure where to begin your research or if you don't have a topic, a great place to get started is our psychology research guide. This gude contains useful reference books and websites, as well as a list of recommended databases.

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